Non-NHS services

The NHS does not pay for some of our services.

For example:

private sick notes
insurance forms
holiday cancellation forms
medical reports
fitness to travel certificates
private prescriptions
passport signing
some vaccination services

You can find our fees for these services below:

Accident and sickness insurance medicals
Full examination and report (30 mins) - £150
Certificate of incapacity (without examination) - £18
Report (no examination) - £100

Medicals and other reports
Brief full - £85
Child minder - £100
Adoption medical - £75

Sick note or incapacity certificate - Short - £18
(For employers) - Long - £30

Drivers medicals
30 minutes - £120
HGV and Bus driver fitness medical and examination - £100
Report (no examination) - £100
Driving License application - £20

Pre-employment medicals (45 minutes) - £150

Holiday Insurance Certificate - £60
Holiday Cancellation Certificate - £30
Fitness to Travel Certificate - £63

Private patient fees
Day Time including prescription 10 minutes - £65
Each 5 minutes thereafter - £25
Home Visits (including prescription) - £120

Private Health Insurance Certificates (No examination) - £30-63
Private Blood Test (Including Report) - £30-63

If you book private medicals and do not attend, you will be charged a fee of £50

Date published: 11th September, 2023
Date last updated: 30th April, 2024